The NJEX series odorization systems represent the leading technology in placing Ethyl Mercaptan, AKA odorant, into natural gas flow streams. These systems are engineered to measure and inject precise amounts of liquid odorant into each cubic foot, or meter, of gas that flows down the pipeline.
Model 8300
Pneumatically actuated
Teflon diaphragm
Intrinsically Safe
68 gallon/day
6cc/stroke injection
Model 7300
Pneumatically actuated
Teflon diaphragm
Intrinsically Safe
17.6 gallon/day
.2 to 1.0 cc/stroke injection
Model 6300
Pneumatically actuated
Intrinsically Safe
1.76 gallon/day
.06 to 0.1cc/stroke injection
Have any questions or not sure which part you're looking for?
Call us today at 901.363.0377 or email us, and we're happy to help!