The full training package is comprised to create a complete and functioning first responder group to address compliance of the Operator Qualification Final Rule. Furnish an evolving Operator Qualification B31Q Program, in order to provide compliance of the "Gas Operator Qualification Final Rule" as well as the legal responsibility and the accountability that rests on the operator. The final rule is defined in the Federal Register/Vol. 64, No. 166, August 1999/Rules and Regulations; and so, found in RSPA [Docket No. RSPA-98-3783; Amendment 192-86; 195-67], RIN 2137-AB38. Pipeline Safety: Qualification of Pipeline Personnel. Action: Final Rule. To ensure compliance, Tristate Training and Development Division shall provide the operator with an Operator Qualification B31Q Program that addresses and provides the following topics.
The training program shall include the following topics:
Covered tasks as related to the CFR 49; Part 192 so described in the "Final Rule
Engineering safe practices
Operating and Maintenance Procedures
Emergency Procedures
Dispatchers accountability to gas operator emergency responding personnel. (Control Room, SCADA, Police and Fire, 911 and 311, pager systems, cell phone systems, after hours dispatching personnel)
Code issues as related to the continued safe operation of the pipeline facility. Addressed in the code training phases are as follows:
International Fuel Gas Code 2009
NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 (National Fire Protection Association 54) high-pressure natural gas issues
Pipeline Safety Regulation/CFR 49
Service policy agreements consumer/gas operator
Engineering standards and system operations/measurement
Policy and procedures as related to the operator’s service agreements
NOTE: Our goal is to provide accountability awareness and qualification for the gas operator in order to address and provide public safety. Providing the gas operator with the knowledge needed to coordinate the operations of the pipeline facility and address all concerns. The comprehensive training and evaluation of the operator is imperative in order to satisfy the intent of the Operator Qualification Final Rule. The "Rule" was designed to aide and assist the gas operator and the consumer as well as provide the public with a responding qualified work force. This is a law we can all live with and benefit from for years to come. Let us provide the customized training you want and need. Use this as an opportunity to receive the training you have always wanted. We feel we have one of the premiere training groups ever assembled for the natural gas industry. Let us share this experience with you and your personnel.
Remember, the Operator of the Pipeline Facility will never have the burden of maintaining an Operator Qualification Training and Evaluation Program. Tristate Training & Development Division maintains and directs all operations and scheduling of the program. The program also provides critical feedback to all public service inspectors. Evaluation schedules shall always accommodate the Operator’s schedule.
Have any questions about our operator qualification services?
Call us today at 901.363.0377 or email us, and we're happy to help!